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Yamaha R15 Club In Delhi



In a bid to promote the biking culture among the city’s youngsters and sports enthusiasts, as well as to spread awareness among the masses of various issues of national importance, a group of biking enthusiasts – especially the fans of Yamaha superior technology machine YZF-R15 – have formed Delhi R15 Club, similar to the biking clubs formed overseas. The club formed some time back in September 2008, currently has a strength of 35 members,  many of whom are working and are also highly-qualified such as being doctors, engineers and chartered accountants.

Earlier the club had strength of 60 members, but their number was later reduced to 35 just to ensure that not any one but only the real bikers with some mission in life could be part of the club. Also, they need to be serious in life about what they are doing. The club is running with the mutual understanding of all the members, who are between the age group of 18 and 30 years. On weekends, the club members hold general meetings in Delhi and from time to time keep on touring to nearby places such as Shimla, Dehradun, Mussoorie and Jaipur.

The future plans of club members are firstly to register this club, and later to expand this club with superbikes. They also plan to start training sessions to make the people real bikers, as well as educate the masses about things like AIDS and their own voting rights.

Source – Wheelsunplugged

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