Multiple launches happening on the same day just dilutes the coverage from the media but still automakers continue to clash their launches with one another.

365 or 366 in the case of a leap year, are the number of days in a year and when you subtract out the weekends and the holidays, you still have the number of days far exceeding the number of automobile events in a year. Still, automobile manufacturers have to launch their products on the same day as it might have something to do with auspicious timing. Usually we are either having our tails on fire with three launches happening in one day or just opening peanuts and chilling out, writing reviews slow and steady. This is because when a day is free, it’s completely easy going, else there is just too much to handle in a day.
Having two events in a day is something which should be best avoided and there are a few manufacturers who will never clash their launch with anyone else’s. But there are also manufacturers who clash their own events, not just one event but three happening simultaneously, how crazy is that for both the media to handle and the viewers to digest. Still it’s being done by the dozen. Then there are brands who postpone their drive event twice in a span of less than a month, only to clash it with another car maker’s!
Then there are times when the PR firms of automobile companies email you tailor made tweets for, em, well, tweeting of course. I guess that beats the point because if someone wanted to tweet the exact same thing you are talking about, they might as well retweet your tweet. Looks like after the ‘all-new’, ‘next-gen’ foolery (remember how every minor update to a car or bike is described as all new or next-gen in the press release?), this is the next thing frustrating Indian automobile journalists and enthusiasts alike.