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Tata To Improve Customer Experience With New VTAB App [Scoop]

You read it first on MotorBeam. A lot will be changing at Tata Motors in the coming months. Not only is the company gearing up to launch two new products this year, it will also be making some major amendments in the after sales and service experience for customers. Tata has been working on a service application that will not only improve the customer relationship management at service centres, but will also make the whole experience digital and quick as this internal detailed presentation that we have got our hands on, suggests.

The Indian automaker will be initiating the Tata Motors Service Application (TMSA) which replaces the idea of physically filling up every service detail on the paper job card with an Android tablet at the time of service. Basically, customers who walk in to service their vehicles or need to get repairs done will no longer have to go through the tedious process of filling up the job card. Instead, a service advisor will use the VTAB Android device to create a digital job card, thereby reducing the time period very effectively.

So how does the VTAB service application work? Essentially, the VTAB Android device is connected to a local server as well as a printer and comes with the pre-loaded application. The Service Advisor needs to fill in the basic details of the vehicle along with the owner details (a one-time thing). The application then selects the appropriate vehicle and the advisor can fill in all the necessary details including customer complaints, vehicle inventory and even the remaining fuel quantity in the car.

With 90 percent of the data accessible via drop down menus, the service advisor selects all the jobs that need to be addressed at the time of service and confirms the same with the customer. Showcasing his consent with the job codes, the customer adds his signature on the job card digitally on the Android device and is then given a printed copy of the same. Tata Motors claims that this entire process takes just 5 minutes, from the current 15-20 minutes or even 45 minutes depending on the service centre.

Apart from saving time, the new service application will bring in a lot more transparency into the entire service system. With a centralised system for issuing service job cards, there won’t be hassles of physically losing the job slip. Moreover, the mobile service application can also work offline, in case the application is not connected to the server. The Service Advisor can still create a job card and sync-in the details later in the system, thereby avoiding duplication errors.

With the entire process going digital, Tata has taken a giant leap in providing quality after sales and service experience. It will also improve overall customer satisfaction, not to mention reduction in the service time. The process also appears to be simpler and requires basic additional infrastructure input from dealers. Certainly, Tata Motors has gone off the books and done a lot more research and thinking into putting the new system into play and the same showcases the company’s promising plans for the future.

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