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Share #Promise2Protect Your Car With Shell & Get Rewarded

Shell is offering prizes for auto enthusiasts for giving the right advice to increase the engine life of your car.

Auto enthusiasts ensure to choose the best of everything for their cars. From timely maintenance, regular component changes, the right mechanic to parking in a spot away from prying eyes; we car lovers will go to any extent to have the best for our beloved vehicles. Listening to the need of auto enthusiasts, Shell Lubricants recently launched a revolutionary offering in India called ‘Shell Helix Lifetime Engine Warranty Program’, a first by any engine lubricant maker in the country. Not sure what the program is all about? Check out the video below to understand Shell’s #Promise2Protect your car’s engine for a lifetime campaign.

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Shell is now asking you to make a promise to protect your car’s engine for life. Be it in extreme summers or stone cold winters or just rainy weather, the engine takes a toll and while it may seem that nothing is wrong from inside the cabin, the extreme conditions are slowly and steadily taking a toll on your engine’s health. So how do you ensure a longer life of your car? Think you know the answer? Then make sure to enter the contest in just three steps.

Here Is What You Need To Do 


Share your #Promise2Protect your car with us and if it is the most popular one, Shell will reward you with exciting prizes!

Example – I #Promise2Protect my car by getting it serviced at regular intervals!


Choose your preferred platform to enter the contest and share your entry as a comment or reply on MotorBeam’s social media accounts. Head on to the link below and search for the Shell post or tweet and reply/comment to the same. Don’t forget to add #Promise2Protect hashtag to your entries.

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Why keep the promise to just yourself? Pass it on to others by tagging your friends and encouraging them to take up a similar promise.

Convey your promise to Shell and 5 lucky winners will take home e-commerce vouchers worth Rs. 1500/- each. The winners will be selected on the more number of likes and RT’s their promise manages to generate. So make sure you bring in all your friends to like your promise.

The Shell Lifetime engine warranty program is the first of its kind in India
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