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Prevent Your Car From Being Stolen In 10 Tips

Your car is a representation of your hard earned money and you don’t want it to be stolen by a thief or car-jackers. There’s nothing more disheartening than walking down to the parking lot and finding your car stolen. The struggle begins with filing a complaint with the police and then waiting for the police to trace your car. You will be really lucky, if that does happen. However, be alert, be vigilant and you can avert this aftermath.

We give you 10 tips to prevent your car from being stolen.

1. Park In A Garage

This is as fool proof as it can get. For those who have a private garage, make sure you park inside it. Others can choose to park in the stilt area in their buildings. Parking in the stilt is not only safe but also protects the car from dust, heat and other external elements. If you are parking on the street, choose a spot where it is easily visible through your window and is well lit, like under a street light.

2. Lock The Doors

This is important no matter where you park. Take time to check all the doors and lock it. Even if you have remote locking, manually check the doors. This will take a matter of seconds, but will give you a sigh of relief. No matter how small the stop is, lock the car when you leave it unattended. It is the simplest of all, yet the most ignored.

3. Don’t Leave Your Windows Open

If you have cracked or open windows, it works as an open invitation for the thief to steal your car. Get broken windows replaced or repaired immediately. There’s practically no protection to your car with open windows. You could even lose your car’s papers, if not the car itself, which can be used against your benefit.

4. Park In Pay And Park

It is always advisable to use pay and park, instead of the public street. The cost of parking your car is obviously way lower than the actual cost of your car. Also parking your car on the road is an offence, not to mention the fear of tow services targeting your car.

5. Don’t Leave Valuables On The Seats

Leaving your valuables like your bags, laptop, mobile phone on the seat also attracts thieves towards your car. If you have a removable Head Unit, choose to remove it from the car. It is better to keep bags in the trunk or the mobile phone in the glove box. Thieves will break in the window glass to pull out the bags or the head unit and will take a matter of seconds, even if you have an alarm. So by the time you can actually do something, you have lost your valuables.

6. Install A Security System

Autocop and Xenos are the reputed names offering car security systems. The security system comes with an alarm + motion sensors, which are set to go off in case of a theft attempt. You can also choose to install an engine immobilizer that cuts off the fuel and battery supply to the car in case of a theft. You can also track down the car faster using the GPS-equipped systems.

7. Install A Tracking Device

Tracking devices will tell you the location of your car in case of a theft; the device will send you an SMS of the location of your car. It will also give you other information like the speed of your car, how long did it halt, fuel filled, the current location and much more. Tracking devices are located at secret locations, that only you would know about. It will surely make tracking your car faster. Although a bit expensive, it is a must have these days.

8. Don’t Pass Along The Keys Too Much

Another key thing to remember is that in spite of the car being parked in a residential area, there are thefts happening. This could be an insider’s job. Don’t circulate the keys of your car between the watchman, car washer and so on. The keys can be duplicated and later used to steal your car. Now we don’t say to not trust them but being vigilant is important.

9. Get A Steering And Gear Lock

If you live in a mischievous neighbourhood or just paranoid about car thieves, it is best to get a steering or a gear lock or both for your car. Even though not so commonly used, get the locks with high tensile strength to ensure that they don’t break the steering lock itself.

10. Keep Your Insurance Up-To-Date

You can get to the remuneration for your stolen car, if you have your insurance up-to-date. Ensure that your insurance offers maximum coverage in case of a theft. This could mean a higher premium, but will still be worth the extra money, against a lost car.

You don’t want your car to be sold to an unsuspecting buyer in a different state, or taken apart piece by piece and sold in the used car market. If you live in Mumbai, a small trip to the infamous Chor Bazaar should give you a complete perspective of how car thieves work.

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