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MotoGP Coming To India In 2013


Lorenzo On R15 At Budh Circuit

MotoGP is coming to India in 2013, with the opening round to be held at the Buddh International Circuit. Just last year, Buddh Circuit held the first ever Formula 1 race in India and next year the Jaypee group is planing to host both MotoGP and World Superbike races. This is indeed good news for all as Indians can now get a chance to witness motorsports right at home.

“We want to accommodate all of these races, but India has only five months of good weather (October-March) when they can be held,” Sameer Gaur, MD and CEO, Jaypee Sports International said.

The Buddh International Circuit is frequently rented out by car manufacturers to conduct drive events for the media and customers. Reports suggest that the cost to hire the track for a day is anything between Rs. 8-10 lakhs. The organizers have also started holding track day events for both motorcycles and cars and the second one is scheduled for later this month.


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