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Mercedes-Benz Launches Merconomics In India

Mercedes-Benz is taking many steps to improve the affordability of their cars and to improve their sales and customer satisfaction. The German car maker has launched a new initiative called ‘Merconomics’ which will help aspiring owners to fulfill their dream of owning their own Mercedes car. The company offers many financial and maintenance packages as well as better credit facilities in this initiative, which will go a long way in increasing sales of the three-pointed star.

Mercedes-Benz has further improved on their leasing solutions, ‘Star Lease’ so that customers get better advantage of these facilities. The company will now offer, ‘Zero down payment’, ‘Low rentals’ for their cars, ‘Fixed monthly costs’, ‘Reduced monthly outflow’, ‘Additional line of credit’ as well as ‘Easy upgrades every three years’. These facilities will help aspiring owners to enjoy the ownership of the coveted cars with affordability.

The Stuttgart based automaker said they want the owners to be more satisfied with the services and will further work on customer delight. With sales of Mercedes cars on the slow decline, this is a good move by the iconic German luxury car maker. With an economic slowdown as well as shift of interest to other luxury brands, Mercedes want to regain their place as number one luxury car maker in India. With such facilities, Mercedes should be able to pull more customers to their showrooms.

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