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Man Converts His Car Into A Motorbike


When all the odds are against you, when it is time to say, I give up, few go the other way. Knowing there is no way out, they put that extra bit with some hope to survive. The world has witnessed many such people who are considered too lucky in life to survive the toughest of the situations. One such person is Emile. Somewhere in North-West Africa, Emile took off in his Citroen 2CV. Problem started when he was passing a desert. On the way Emile managed to snap a swing arm on his vehicle. The car gave up and came to a halt, never wanting to move from there.

In such a scenario, what would you do? Perhaps, call for help? But, middle of a desert who would come to your aid? So, next option is to start walking hoping to cross that desert. But how many of you would think of converting your car into a bike to cross that desert? Well, that is exactly what Emile did. The circumstances were not actually very favorable for him. He was told not to go any further due to some military conflicts. But Emile was born to be different. Not wanting to listen to the advice, he decided to go ahead.

To go further, he actually decided to disassemble his car and construct a bike out of it. Now, to do so, anyone would need some tools, because one can’t use fingers to drill the holes in the metal or use hands to weld the parts. But lack of such tools did not deter him from going ahead with his thoughts. Well, work started and it took solid twelve days to complete this feat. Still, not able to digest it right? In that case, the pictures will give you some relief.

Source – TeamXbox

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