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Ford’s New Initative On Safe & Eco-friendly Driving

According to statistical data available, it is observed that every six minutes, more than 25 people on an average die or are injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident in India. Added to it, according to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), India topped China as having the most per capita fatalities as a result of motor vehicle accidents. Not many of us are aware that a simple thing like using seat-belts can reduce the risk of death in the event of a crash by up to 61%.

Ford India, seeing this has taken up an initiative called, ‘I Pledge to Drive Safe’. Through this campaign, the company aims to spread the word on the importance of safe and eco friendly driving in India. This campaign is an extension of Ford India’s Driving Skills for Life (DSFL) initiative that has trained over 4,300 drivers in India since its launch in 2009 and included various stakeholders and dealers. The ‘I Pledge to Drive Safe’ campaign was launched today at a special DSFL event organized by Ford India for media personnel at its Chennai plant.

An important part of Ford India’s campaign is to gather support of ardent Ford enthusiasts to take a pledge to practice at least one safe driving technique. You can take your pledges online through the ‘I Pledge to Drive Safe’ app on Facebook ( where you can choose from 10 safe and eco friendly driving options. Ford India is also trying its best to spread the word via twitter world using #drivesafe, through the media, and through our partners and stakeholders.

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