Reva NXR India

Mahindra Reva is testing the upcoming lithium-ion battery powered NXR at Bangalore. The car was spotted by Adoksh Shastry near the KIADB Industrial Area. Mr. Shastry also spotted the car doing the rounds near the Mahindra plant nearby Jigani. The NXR is a 3-door model which can carry 4 passengers and is scheduled to go into production soon. The NXR has a top speed of 104 kmph and covers 160 kilometres on a single charge. The NXR features keyless operation, dual charge port, digital display and SMS alerts. It can travel up to 120 km per day using 90 minutes fast charges and a fast charge of 15 minutes will provide a 40 km range. The Reva NXR is expected to Rs. 10 lakh.



Edit 24/11/2010 – Pavan Srinath from Bangalore managed to catch a Reva NXR being tested on Hosur Road on the outskirts of Bangalore. The car was taking a U-turn on the highway just beyond Electronic City.
