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2009 Bajaj Pulsar Upgrade

The most sought after news by enthusiasts nowadays is about the upgraded Pulsars which are to be launched anytime soon. With the Pulsar 220 DTS-FI Upgrade a bit delayed, Bajaj has finally taken a step closer to the launch. At its probiking showroom in Pune, Bajaj is displaying three different types of Pulsar 200’s to gauge public response.

The first Pulsar 200 has clipons and rear disc brake, while the second has front faring like the P220 without disc brakes and the third has fairing and rear disc brake. All the three Pulsars have forks from the Pulsar 220. Bajaj has also increased the power of the 200cc engine to 19PS. The Pulsar 180 has been given the looks of the current Pulsar 200.

[important] While the news all of you are most waiting for, the upgraded Pulsar 220 is said to get more power.[/important]

[tip] Probiking salesmen still maintain the new Pulsar 200 to get FI.[/tip]

There is no clear date on the launch yet. Bajaj hasn’t given any intimation to its dealers and the launch can take upto 2 months.

Update – 22/04/2009

Bajaj Pulsar 150 and Pulsar 180 sites under construction. Looks like launch of the new Pulsar 150 and Pulsar 180 will be soon.

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